Frequency capping |
The two settings put together a function called the frequency capping. The first value indicates how many views must produce a particular visitor in a space defined by the second value period. For example, if each visitor, the campaign will appear only once per day, the values for this one and 86400 are. |
automatic CTR optimization | Determines whether the ad server to optimize the CTR (click through rate) automatically. For this, the AdServer different minimum CTR will gradually try out to determine what is the optimal setting to achieve the highest possible CTR while achieving the campaign goal. |
minimum CTR (current) | The minimum CTR (if not 0) determined that only if and to the advertising material be switched for the campaign, the click-through rate (CTR) is above the specified value. With automatic optimization of this value is adjusted every half hour. |
minimum CTR (absolute) | The minimum CTR is not set the value at which the automatic optimization (see description below). |
CTR exclusion from | The value "CTR exclusion from" indicates how many views must be produced at least in order to regulate the minimum CTR applies. The number of views and the CTR is determined in each case on the basis of data from the past 6 months. |
Notes CTR optimization:
- CTR optimization is done on the basis of test data obtained. The AdServer is to try out various settings and log the results. From these results, conclusions about the optimal CTR be taken then.
- for CTR optimization data for the last three days only consulted. Unless the campaign is paused 3 days a week, optimization begins on the 4th day anew.
- CTR optimization rule out gradually websites where the desired click-through rate is not achieved so as to increase the overall CTR. This can have the consequence that day objectives are not achieved because there is not sufficient due to the testing volume. Unless you want to ensure that the campaign really achieved the desired goals, either on the last campaign day or particularly short campaign periods should be changed to manual optimization and the value of "minimum CTR" be set manually.
- Thus optimizing proper functioning, the campaign must have enough volume. For View campaigns, these are 10,000 views / day for click campaigns 100 clicks / day. Please note, however, that with these values, the optimization is easily prone to error. Campaigns with smaller daily volume manual optimization should only be made to ensure that the volume booked can be achieved.
- Changes to the campaign settings (particularly frequency capping, booked volume and targeting) and the campaign booking can falsify the optimization behavior. In this case, the optimization should be reset (click in the campaign summary the campaign, click the status area to "optimize the course" and then "reboot optimization" choose).
- Depending on the daily volume to optimize the campaign needs about 10 to 24 hours. Then there are only minor changes in the rule.
- Note that to determine the optimal click-through rate per advertising space and campaign that is generated in "CTR exclusion from" specified amount of views. Unless then it turns out that the desired click-through rate is not reached, the advertising space in question will only be excluded from the campaign. Note: Depending on the number of advertising surfaces on which a campaign is switched, so that the test scope increases. Are set as exclusion 5,000 views and is switched to 100 advertising space, this means that 500,000 views are spent on CTR optimization at worst, without a click occurs here - only the advertising space would be switched off.
- When choosing the CTR exclusion criterion of value should not be underestimated. Note that the ad server can optimize 0,01er steps, ie he tests 0.01% as the minimum CTR, then 0.02%, etc. In order to ensure this, the CTR-exclusion must be large at least 5,000 to 10,000 Views, otherwise too large error values may arise (0.02% at 5000 results Views 1 click, is tested to be less, the random factor is too large if the test is successful or not)
- The value of "absolute minimum CTR" also defines a fixed minimum which is not undershot by the optimization. Please observe: If a value is greater than 0 is specified, automatic optimization will then go no deeper if it finds that the day / Campaign volume can not be done with this setting. The absolute minimum CTR should only be set if it is ensured that the target volume with the CTR can be achieved.
- Important: CTR optimization does not apply to web sites and advertising space for a quota has been defined.
campaign optimization
For each campaign optimization settings can also be defined. These work similar to the CTR optimization: The campaign is first switched on all normal advertising space. Then the campaign is observed and it is checked whether the target (eTKP / eCPC / lead / sale / Action) within a certain amount of views or clicks is reached. Must be displayed on a web page / Advertising Campaign often / clicked to get to success, it is automatically deleted from the delivery. Thus are gradually all websites / ad panels filtered out that do not have sufficient performance and the campaign switched only on websites / ad panels that achieve the goals within a defined framework.
The following settings are needed to:
enable optimization | activates the objective optimization for this campaign |
optimization goal | defines the destination for which to be optimized. Here you can select between Lead, Sale and (if created for this campaign) Actions. Außerdemm may be between eTKP, eCPC, ECPL, ECPO and eCPA (if Actions are defined) are selected and whether they should be minimized or maximized. (See notes) |
automatically optimize | Enables automatic optimization. See notes below. |
optimization type | determines the value to be optimized. See notes below. |
Period | determines how long optimize data should be stored and how often we will be optimizing. See notes below. |
minute Costs for customer | Unless eTKP / eCPC / ECPL / ECPO / eCPA is selected, this setting defines the costs that the customer should pay minimal. |
Max. Costs for customer | Unless eTKP / eCPC / ECPL / ECPO / eCPA is selected, this setting defines the costs that the customer will pay a maximum. |
minute Revenue for users | Unless eTKP / eCPC / ECPL / ECPO / eCPA is selected, this setting defines the revenues which the user should receive minimal. |
Max. Revenue for users | Unless eTKP / eCPC / ECPL / ECPO / eCPA is selected, this setting defines the revenues which the user is to receive maximum. |
Note: The value "current" always refers to the currently used by the system value. So the value of right now is used. The value of "absolute" describes a value above or below the automatic optimization will not set the "current" value - as it were, a maximum maximum or minimum minimum. | |
Max. Views per target total / website / Advertising / SubID | must be defined the maximum number of views, the total / per site / per advertising space / per SUBID maximum used to achieve the goal. A value of 0 means here that infinite views may be used. |
Max. Clicks per target total / website / Advertising / SubID | must be defined the maximum number of clicks, the total / per site / per advertising space / per SUBID used maximally to achieve the goal. A value of 0 means here that infinitely clicks may be used. |
open leads / sales values (%) | (Still unconfirmed) leads or sales to be included in the optimization indicates what percentage open. should be, therefore, a value of 0 means that open leads / Sale ignored; A value of 100 means that all open leads / sales are to be fully included in the optimization. |
Optimization goals:
Leads / sales / Actions
The value max. Views or max. Clicks is the average consumption of views / clicks per target (lead / sale / Action).
Example: set 20 clicks for a lead, then the campaign is switched when min after 20 clicks. 1 Lead has come about. Have already come into existence after the two leads 20 clicks, the campaign will continue switched to a maximum of 41 click (41 clicks by 2 Leads = 20 clicks per Lead). If after 41 click no third lead came about the campaign is stopped on this website.
eTKP / eCPC / ECPL / ECPO / eCPA maximize / minimize
the value max. Views or clicks max defines a test limit to which must be achieved a certain effective CPM / CPC / CPL / CPO / CPA. Which reached CPM / CPC / CPL / CPO / CPA must be between the values as "min. Cost of customer" / "max. Cost of customer" or "min. Revenue for User" / "max. Revenues for users are defined ". A value of 0 means here infinitely deep / high.
The difference between "eTKP maximize", etc., and "minimize eTKP" etc. is that if more than one advertising medium are available, in this case, those are preferred delivered possess a higher / lower eTKP / eCPC / ....
Example: Posted is "eTKP maximize", "min revenue for users." = "0.3", "max views per target per advertising space." = "10000". In this case, the campaign will appear on each billboard first 10,000 times. From the 10,001 display will determine whether the campaign has achieved on this advertising space at least an effective CPM of 0.30 EUR. To this end all income (both clicks, leads and sales together) of advertising space for the campaign added together and divided by the number of views. Corresponds to the effective CPM a value greater than / equal to 0.30, the campaign will continue switched on this ad space - otherwise excluded from this advertising space.
Example maximize / minimize: starting point from the previous example, we assume that a campaign has three advertisements that have achieved the following results after together 10,000 Advertisement:
- 0.30 EUR CPM
- 0.50 EUR CPM
- 0.10 EUR CPM
The ad server will then continue 3 turn the ad clearly less and distribute the vacant volume of the advertising media 1 and 2, with advertising material 2 is in turn switched more often as a promotional tool. 1
automatic optimization
The automatic optimization largely corresponds to the automatic CTR optimization: There are half-hourly measurement data collected, the judge whether the campaign creates the payable volume or fails. Based on this data is then seen whether it makes sense to continue to raise the optimization or lower.
In the case of campaign optimization few more parameters are now observed. Firstly, it must be defined here which value is to be optimized. The choice here is to
- minute Costs for customer
maximize eTKP / eCPC / ECPL / ECPO / eCPA + optimize optimization Type Customer Returns: Selection - Max. Costs for customer
minimize eTKP / eCPC / ECPL / ECPO / eCPA + optimization type optimize customer costs: Selection - minute Revenue for publishers
maximize eTKP / eCPC / ECPL / ECPO / eCPA + optimize optimization type publisher revenue: Selection - Max. Revenue for publishers
minimize eTKP / eCPC / ECPL / ECPO / eCPA + optimize optimization type publisher revenue: Selection
Which optimization was selected is displayed additionally by a greenish background color of the field concerned.
As with the CTR optimization, there are also here to set an absolute maximum / minimum possible - that is, a value below or above the automatic optimization will not put the current value.
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Keywords: fc, frequency-capping, frequency capping, optimization,