Your AdServer already mastered various targeting mechanisms, such as time or geo-targeting. In addition, you can use external providers targeting other solutions almost completely integrated easily in interaction by about behavorial targeting implement.
example implementation
To help you understand this on a practical example, let's assume you get from a customer an creative in the format 468x60 with associated destination URL provided. The ad to be delivered only to specific users by behavorial targeting - all other users will still get to see only the normal campaigns. To implement the behavorial targeting They use an external provider.
Step 1: Set up own AdServer
First set up the appropriate customer and a matching campaign AdServer. It is particularly useful to equip the campaign with a frequency capping (eg 3 per 24 hours). Next, load the ad with the file (important: use upload file, not upload banner) to the ad server. As a result, you get an ad server URL for example, looks like this: http://%imgsvr%/banner/kundenname/523/meinbanner.gif. Save this URL from for later.
Step 2: Set targeting AdServer
Second, you should now be in the targeting ad server, so the ad server of the targeting agent, also a customer and a campaign set up (if possible / necessary). Next, you now create a promotional tool. As a rule, this two inputs are required: The ad to be displayed when attacks targeting and advertising material to be displayed if the targeting does not apply. The HTML code for the first promotional material looks like this (1):
<script language="JavaScript">
document.writeln('<a target="_blank" href="'+tgt_clk+'">'+
'<img src="'+tgt_vie+'" alt="Hier klicken!" '+
'border="0" width="468" height="60"></a>'+
'<img style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;" '+
'src="'+tgt_img+'" alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1">');
The code for the Alternative advertising material looks like this (2):
<script language="JavaScript">
document.writeln('<iframe noresize="noresize" scrolling="no" '+
'frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" '+
'height="60" width="468" src="'+tgt_iframe+'"></iframe>');
... as a result you get from targeting AdServer a code that the display of the advertising material (depending on whether the targeted attacks or attacks) enabled. Save this code from for later.
Step 3: Create a Custom Promotional Products
are Second, you have now created the targeting promotional material in your (this) AdServer. To this end, a new HTML advertising material is created. Give it a name and adjust the height and width, and click destination. For example, the following code will be entered as HTML code:
<script language="JavaScript">
var tgt_img = '%viewredirect%';
var tgt_clk = '%url%';
var tgt_vie = '[Banner-URL]';
var tgt_iframe = 'http://[AdServer-Name]/adframe.php?pid=%pid%&saveex=1&ex=%ex%|%kid%';
[Code des Targeting-AdServers]
Note here is that you need to replace [banner URL] by the URL that you obtained in Step 1 (AdServer URL of the creative). Replace also [AdServer Name] with the host name of your AdSpirit-AdServer (eg Replace the last [Code of the targeting AdServers] by the code, you obtained in Step 2 (targeting code of the external ad server). then save from the ad. You can book the campaign now and deliver their products.
How it works in practice
What happens in practice? The procedure here is quite simple:
a user Gets the code of AdSpirit-ad server, it first gets delivered a JavaScript that sets a few variables (step 3) and then loads the code of the targeting agent. The user's browser then attempts to load the ad by targeting services provider. This is now also implementing the targeting and checks whether the user with the set criteria match is right. If this is the case, a JavaScript code (step 2, code 1) is issued indicating the graphic to be displayed together with the click URL and view tracking. The user thus sees in this case, the customer's advertising materials and it can click.
The check of the targeting ad server that the user does not match the criteria, it outputs the alternative code (step 2, Code 2). This is again a JavaScript code indicating an IFrame. The user then loads down the IFrame from AdSpirit AdServers and gets from this campaign an alternative display.
More technical details
Important in the above process, the use of wildcards corresponding to the View and click counting is to run smoothly. In order not to display the assembled with targeting creative to count only when the alternative code does not appear to be %viewredirect% used necessarily the placeholder. You will find this in the advertising media code that AdSpirit-AdServer will make any custom view count but wait for the URL defined in the placeholder is called (usually a 1x1 chart).
Would be as a second is necessary to prevent a loop is formed, so that the invoked as an alternative IFrame in turn loads the targeting campaign and in turn the alternatively-IFrame displayed (etc.). For this, the parameter can be used ex and saveex together with matching wildcards. The parameter &ex= defines a vertical bars (|) separated list of campaign ID's that can not be displayed in this IFrame. The matching placeholder %ex% is just from this list, so that when multiple nested exclusions list expanded instead of being replaced. The parameter &saveex=1 defines, moreover, that the exclusion criteria at the user are stored via a cookie. The next time you call the user who has such a cookie is then excluded this particular campaign from the beginning and not at all passed only to test the targeting AdServer. This can achieve that the traffic load (and therefore costs) are minimized on the targeting AdServer.
Alternatively implementation
Unfortunately, some targeting providers have no way above mentioned example implement that. Here's a default code can often only be indicated but not possible to intervene on the actual advertising media code (step 2, code 1). In this case, please use the following code:
Default code for targeting ad server:
<script language="JavaScript">
adt_set = true;
document.writeln('<iframe noresize="noresize" scrolling="no" '+
'frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" '+
'width="468" height="60" src="'+tgt_iframe+'"></iframe>');
Advertising media code of your own ad server:
<script language="JavaScript">
var adt_set = false;
var tgt_img = '%viewredirect%';
var tgt_iframe = 'http://[AdServer-Name]/adframe.php?pid=%pid%&saveex=1&ex=%ex%|%kid%';
[ ... Targeting-Code ... ]
<script language="JavaScript">
adt_set = true;
document.writeln('<img style="position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;" '+
'src="'+tgt_img+'" alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1">');
Please note that this procedure is more errors and therefore the former method that is preferable.