The following parameters are available:
parameter | expected value | description |
&pid= | Pool ID (advertising space) | Displays the normal ad delivery. |
&prdclick= | Click redirect URL (Encoded) | Enables click tracking for a foreign AdServer. |
&prdclick_X = | Click redirect URL (Encoded) | How prdclick only that in this case the value passed to the foreign AdServer URL is X times coded. |
&ord= | timestamp | Sets the timestamp. If the parameter has its own timestamp is not used regenerated. |
&ex= | Campaign ID | Campaign ID | ... | Excludes a list of campaign ID's from the delivery |
&saveex= | 1 | If set: Allows you to save the excluded campaign ID's |
¬dm= | 1 | If set: Includes associated promotional material from (tandem, triple, etc.) |
&showkid= | Campaign ID | Shows only this campaign |
&exttrack= | View tracking URL (Encoded) | View allows external tracking (for example on popups) |
&wmid= | Advertising media ID | Only shows this advertising media (pool ID required) |
&sid= | Sub-ID | Number 1-50000 for tracking SubID's. If the parameter is not specified is used as a default value 0 (zero). SubID tracking enables a more nuanced dowries individual advertising space (see SubID's). see notes |
&ref= | Referer | Referrals / URL on which the advertisement is running. see notes |
&dcx= | number | (only for Responsive advertising spaces) Width available for the placement |
&key= | keyword | Single identifier. The identifier is unchanged in the database. see notes |
&search= | search string | Search text. The search text is matched (character removed, sorted word order, wholesale & sensitive ignored, etc.) and is available for keyword targeting available. The sorted text is stored. see notes |
&appname= | App name (encoded) | App name in the advertisements are delivered. Please follow the instructions below. |
&appbundle= | App bundle (encoded) | Bundle or ID of the app |
&appstore= | URL (encoded) | URL of the app on the AppStore |
&appversion= | App version (encoded) | Version of the app |
&apppaid= | 0 or 1 | 0 = free app, paid app 1 = |
&video_height= | number | Height of the content video |
&video_width= | number | Width of the content video |
&video_duration= | Number or xx: xx | Duration of the content video |
&video_descr= | Description Text (encoded) | Description text of the content video |
&video_id= | ID | ID of the content video |
&video_url= | URL (encoded) | URL of the content video |
&content_keywords= | Keywords (encoded) | Keywords of the Content |
&content_title= | Title (encoded) | Title of Content |
&cevice_idfa= | IDFA | IDFA value of the device / app |
&device_advid= | Advertiser ID | Advertising ID of the device / app |
&device_dnt= | 0 or 1 | DNT value |
&extsubid= | Sub-ID for external tracking | any combination of characters. Is stored in the user data and can be returned to a publisher tracking pixels via tracking points at triggering an action. |
&tgt= | Targeting Code | see user targeting |
&rx= und &ry= | number | (Only with script integration) moves the screen advertising material to rx ry pixels pixels to the right or downwards relative to the original position of the advertising |
&ax= und &ay= | number | (Only with script integration) the advertising medium positioned absolute, measured at the edge of the window at position x of the left and ay from above. |
&norp= | 1 | If set: Turn the repositioning of advertising material from (the ad appears there where the code is). |
&nowprp= | 1 | If set: Disables the positioning of wallpapers. |
&responsive= | 1 | If set: If the code IFrames must be issued, containing the latitude of 100% instead of the pixel width |
&hr= | 1 | Referer obfuscated |
&dhr= | 1 | Referrer to be veiled |
&nrc= | 1 | No request count |
&rfcnt= | number | Of automatic refreshes (only iframe). |
&rfpid= | number | Number of seconds after which the refresh is to take place |
&nobgchange= | 1 | Background coloring / -klickbarkeit the advertising material is exposed. The background is not changed. |
&piggy= | no | No users matching codes are set when delivered with the advertising material. |
&chc= | 1 | If set is tested before delivery, if the advertising space in question, website, campaign and / or the ad "disabled" have the status (it is sufficient that one of the is set to be tested characteristics disabled). Meets the exam (set to disable a property) there is no delivery of the advertising material and no count of views / clicks. |
&wppv= | Page View ID | Unique, zugeordente the page view ID (random number, time stamp or the like) in order to document more contiguous advertising space calls. |
&wpco= | 0 or 1 | Documented whether it is in the abgerufenden advertising space around the first (1) call within the page view or a follow-up call (0). |
&version= | 1, 2, 3, 4 .. | (Only for VAST URLs) defined place in which version of VAST output should |
Notes SUBID's / keywords / referer / Search texts / appname
AdSpirit used for both keywords (&key=), referer (&ref=), app name (&appname=) and search text (&search=) the database field of SubID (&sid=). That is, a keyword / referer / Appname / search string is specified, store, and generate a AdSpirit this SubID. The SubID is then stored in the database and linked to the statistics.
It follows that it is not possible to use all three parameters at the same time. If this is done nevertheless, only one value is stored in the database (sid>ref/appname>key>search; means is search and search is specified key, etc.).
Parameter targeting is independent of any time.
Notes app name
AdSpirit used referer (&ref=) and app name (&appname=) internally the same data field and thus converts app name in valid domain name to. This is done by the app name as follows is converted:
- Converting all characters to lowercase
- Replace all the characters other than az or 0-9 (eg, umlauts and special characters) by "-"
- Double "-" become a single "-" combined
- "-" at the end of the name to be removed
- The name is preceded by "app-"
- The name is followed by ".com".
The app name "my app 3.5" becomes the domain name "" .Note these changes especially if you want to perform targeting/blacklisting an app.