Since version 2.15.0 (recognition of visitors) can also expanded retargeting be used in addition to the normal retargeting. It is possible to mark individual visitors with additional product features - that is, information about which product or product categories, the visitor was interested to be able to deliver so then product specific banner.
How it works ...
In AdServer a database of product information for example is imported from an online shop. At the same time the shop visitors about which product has viewed visitors or in which product category he has surfed be marked with the enhanced retargeting. the so marked visitor surfs then on a web page on the banner of the ad server can be delivered, the ad server may use the markings of the visitor to give it Banner display the example more information about previously viewed products or other product proposals in interesting categories include. For this, the data of the label (eg "What products does the visitor see?") Are compared with the previously imported into the ad server product information (eg product X Price 3.95 EUR Category Y, description text, etc.) linked and dynamically in the ad loaded.
First, a product database must be deposited. For this, the ad server will periodically load a specially crafted CSV file from your server or your webshop down. He can do this the setting for the CSV download must first be made. You do this in the administration area in point retargeting database. Create here first a database entry with the following values:
Surname | Name for the import process (any) |
URL | URL (s) (one per line) of the CSV file to be imported. This CSV can be provided with place holders (see below) |
active | Determines whether the import is to be activated. |
Column separator | Determines the character delimiting columns from each other within the CSV. Usually, the comma is used here, sometimes the semicolon or other character is to be found. If the TAB [Tab] are used, enter "\ t" one. |
interval | Determines the interval in which the CSV data to be retrieved and imported. The interval begins in each case at 0:00 of each day and then continues accordingly. |
row definition | A list of semicolon-separated numbers indicate the above exclusion which column to which data type is. To do this, use the configurator located it. Further refinements are possible, see below. |
Data starts from row | is determined from which line started with data. Are in the first row as headings and in the second only the data that is entered here a second |
The product database should in this case contain at least one column and a product ID column category 1 and can, if necessary, by further column Category 2 - 5, and columns of data are refined.
CSV format and types of columns
The CSV has to be built up line by line and product data for all of the potentially made with visitors markings should include. The following column types are available:
ID | Spaltentyp |
0 | [Ignore column] |
1 | Produkt ID |
2 | Category 1 |
3 | Category 2 |
4 | Category 3 |
5 | Category 4 |
6 | Category 5 |
7 | data column (long text, use only in exception) |
8 | data column (short text up to 255 signs) |
9 | Search column (searchable text up to 255 signs) |
10 | Start date activity |
11 | Enddate activity |
12 | data column URL-codec |
It is up to you whether you fill only one category, two, three, four or all five category columns or as the Category columns are logically related to each other (possible example would be the use of Category 1 = brand (Nike, Esprit, Fruit of the Loom, etc.), category 2 = supply type (special offers, bargains, Normal offers, etc.), category 3 = type (T-shirt, shoes, outerwear, etc.), category 4 = price space (eg to 100 EUR, to 200 EUR etc.).
Product-ID | (Number) Unique ID for a product (for example, women's shoe XYZ = 627) |
category 1 | (Number) Unique ID for the first top category of the product (for example, Category 'women's footwear manufacturer Z "= 72398) |
category 2 | (Number) Unique ID for the second top category of the product (for example, category "women's shoes winter shoes" = 6283) |
category 3 | (Number) Unique ID for the third harmonic category of the product (eg category "Women's Shoes Total" = 936) |
category 4 | (Number) Unique ID for the fourth top category of the product (eg category "Women's Fashion Overall" = 928) |
category 5 | (Number) Unique ID for the fifth top category of the product (eg category "Fashion Total" = 314) |
data column | (Text) Any text, number, date, URL or other value of the additional information about the product contains. |
Extensions of the line definition
The row definition can be refined through further building blocks.
Manual setting / overwriting of a fixed value
If the value of a column is overwritten with a fixed value other, just make a note in the row definition in the respective column the value in brackets followed by the column type. Example:
Before: 1; 1; 1; 3; 0; 2
After: 1;(fixed Text)1;1;3;0;2
In this case, the second column is always set to "Fixed text".
Upload graphics on the Image Server
Unless the CSV includes a column that contains a URL to a graphic, this graphic can be automatically downloaded from the ad server for importing and be uploaded to the image server of the ad server. This has possibly significant speed advantages in the use of pictures. To cause this, place an "i" in the definition of each column before the column type. You can also cause a change in the image size by searching for "i", the maximum width and height in pixels inside square brackets indicate (eg, "[300x300]" also realizations with only width / height are possible, for example "[x300 ] "or" [300x] "). When specifying a maximum size image is adjusted while maintaining the aspect ratio to the maximum height and width. Example:
Before: 1;1;1;3;0;2
After (A): 1;i:1;1;3;0;2
and after (B): 1;i:[250x150]1;1;3;0;2
In Case A, the URL is downloaded from column two and the ImageServer highly charged, the Retargetingdatenbank then contains a URL with the image on the image server. In case B, the graph is additionally changed to a maximum width of 250px and a maximum height of 150px.
Advanced marking of visitors (extended tagging)
Would you have to use product lists for retargeting these are marked accordingly before. You do this as the normal mark the URL
and expand it to one or more of the following parameters:
&product=x | (Number) Product id has seen the visitor |
&cat1=x | (Number) category ID for category 1 |
&cat2=x | (Number) category ID for category 2 |
&cat3=x | (Number) category ID for Category 3 |
&cat4=x | (Number) category ID for Category 4 |
&cat5=x | (Number) category ID for Category 5 |
&aff=x | (Number) affinity. The higher the number, the higher the visitor for this product / category interest; The default is 25 |
... marks the visitor with the retargeting value "my shop" (the visitor can therefore be recognized as "my shop") and also puts the interests of the visitor for the product with the ID 625 and Category 3 with the ID 27. Later could are shown to visitors as eg banners with special offers for the product or product 625 proposals from other products from the category 3 = 27
maximum 25 data values are stored per visitor (a data value corresponds to a category or product).
Set the affinity
The easiest way to set the affinity is to be very low. In this case, when you visit the page, the affinity is set with 25 Each additional page visit the affinity of all existing laws values is then automatically reduced by 1, only at levels that would be set again, the affinity is newly increased by the value to be set. This results in that values which were no longer set again for several visits gradually fall out (affinity less than 1) and values that are very often set example because the category is very often visited strengthened accordingly.
An equally meaningful way to determine the affinity it may be to use the time spent on a page as a measure of the affinity. For this purpose, a simple JavaScript is required is. Example:
<script type = "text / javascript" language = "JavaScript">
<! -
var rtvisit = new Date ();
callrt function ()
var diff = Math.round (((new Date ()) - rtvisit) / 1000);
var img = new Image ();
img.src = 'http: // [AdServer URL] /adretargeting.php?value=meinshop&product=625&cat3=27&aff='+diff;
Window.onunload = callrt;
// ->
</ script>
The script measures the amount of time that visitors spend on a document and resolves after leaving the site, setting the retargeting pixel than its affinity value is the number of seconds visitors spent on the page.
Customizing advertising
Thus the advertising material can be adjusted according to the previously selected interests of the visitor must obtain relevant information about what the visitor interested. Here are a few adaptations of advertising materials are necessary:
HTML advertising media
Thus, an HTML advertising media can adapt to the retargeting information the ad must be programmed so that it accepts information from JavaScript and inserts at appropriate locations in the HTML code. To do this, add a corresponding placeholders in the JavaScript part of the HTML codes:
Parameter Configuration of the placeholder
The above placeholder calls the ad server to read on Retargetinginformationen and with connecting a product database. So he knows what information he is like and get where the placeholder must be configured in detail. This is done by adding the following parameters are entered in place of [parameters]:
source= | (Int) Source for data comparison: 0 = Search for Retargetingwert (default); 1 = Search HTTP parameters; 2 = Search within pretargeting parameters |
value= |
(string) |
output= | (String) value "js" or "json" for release of information as a JavaScript array; Value "url" as the output of the information as a URL parameter |
count= | (Int) Maximum number of products to be output |
db= | (Int) database ID should be related to product data from (see. Settings retargeting database |
order= | (String) value describing the order in which records from the database to be retrieved. Possible values are "rand" (random selection), "aff" (products with the highest affinity) |
get= |
(String) value that describes the criteria by which records are to be selected. Possible values are:
Here, several values can be specified separated by commas in succession, such as "products, cat1, cat2". In this example case will be searched for first visited products. At least the = in count specified number found they will be issued. If fewer products found is searched in the example of products from Category 1, then by category. 2 Furthermore, several values may be combined with each other in a field, if this by + (plus) to be connected. Example: "products, cat1 cat2 +, all" delivers visited products or, if none are found, products for the user affinities in Category 1 and 2 has (both must be present). Only when no items were found here too, the search continues in the entire product database in the example by "all". |
rt[x]prod= und rt[x]cat[y]= und rt[x]data[y]= |
Output Control: Specifies the name by which the product data of the product to be x output in URL notation. (see below) |
pre[rt...] und post[rt...] |
Output Control: The specified value is output to the data for a particular field before (pre) or after (post). Thus prert1data3=X places X at the output in front of the data of record 1 column 3. Note: If you have the field previously renamed by rt [...] please use pre[field name] or post[field name]. Example...|rt1data3=produktname|preproduktname=NEU|... Note: Note that all values must be passed URL-encoded. If you, for example, to preface a click-through URL please use ....|prert1data3=%25urlredirect%25|... |
Several parameters are marked with | separated from each other. Example:
... delivers a product in URL format from database 23 which is selected by chance and was last seen by visitors or when no product was last seen, then a random product of the entire database.
output options
By means of parameter output=... can be defined the type of output. Specifying output=js generates incorporating the retrieved product information as Multidimensional array JavaScript code. The first dimension of the array is the product (Index 0 = first product, Index 1 = a second product, etc.), the second dimension of the array consists of the database fields of the product database. The fields are arranged in the following order:
- Product ID
- category 1
- category 2
- category 3
- category 4
- category 5
- Data Field 1
- Data Field 2
- Data field ...
<script language = "JavaScript">
<! -
var data = %% retargeting% output = js | ...%
// ->
</ script>
... results in the following sample output:
<script language = " JavaScript ">
<! -
var data = new array (
new array (990,1,2,3,4,5," data field 1, "" data field 2 "),
new array (991,1,2,3, 4.5, "data field 1," "data area 2"),
new array (992,1,2,3,4,5, "data field 1," "data area 2"),
new array (993,1,2, 3,4,5, "data field 1," "data field 2")
// ->
</ script>
When using the output variant output = url, data is printed instead as a series of URL parameters. The following parameters are passed to the Flash file:
&rtcount= | (Int) number of products that pass |
&rt[i]prod= | (Int) product ID of the i-th product, the count starts it at 1 for the first product, 2 for the second etc .. & rt4prod = thus contains the ID of the fourth product. |
&rt[i]cat[x]= | (Int) x-th category ID of the ith product. eg & rt2cat1 = passes the ID for Category 1 of 2 Product |
&rt[i]data[x]= | (String) x-th data column of the ith product. eg & rt2data3 = the third data column of the second product passes |
In URL spelling the name of the parameters can be adjusted in that the parameter configuration of the spacer is changed accordingly (see above). Example:
... gives eg the following output: